One of my current long term projects: A highly detailed map showing the end of the beginning, the great civilizations of the late Bronze Age Middle East. While I am still toying with the idea to
make a Dawn of Civilization: 3000 BCE map one day, for now this map is envisioned as a general Bronze Age map. Despite depicting the political situation in about 1250 BCE, shortly before the
beginning late Bronze Age collapse, I’ve also
included many appropriately marked abandoned earlier sites, river courses and lakes from the early and middle Bronze Age periods.
The Middle East during the late Bronze Age
The great civilizations of the Fertile Crescent and its neighbors: Mycenean Greece, New Kingdom Egypt, The Hittite Empire, Mitanni and Assyria, Babylonia and Elam
An detailed ancillary map showing wider Bronze Age Eurasia,
Countries and Nomes,
Hundreds of settlements classified for their political significance,
Ports and fortresses,
Oases and mountains,
Land and sea routes,
Important mines and quarries,
The royal Egyptian necropoleis from all eras,
A selection of monumental reliefs and inscriptions, differentiated for the various phases of the Bronze Age, visualize the activities of various cultures and their spatial limitations,
Modified geodata to reflect the ancient topography, as well as earlier lakes and river courses,
Legend in English and German,
DIN A0 (118,9 x 84,1 cm),
Scale 1:3.300.000.
Fully printable HD pdf files of this map can be purchased from my online store.
The Hittite heartland
Lower Egypt
Kassite Babylonia
Over the years I've written a number of blogposts chronicling the development of this map:
Names: When labeling the map, we had to carefully balance
conflicting expectations. One one side, there was the desire for authenticity and the wish that it should be easily readable for people from all over the world. These two prerequisites both
favored the use of original names. However, “easily readable for everyone” also means using the most common names for the places depicted, which are often names from much later eras, such as the
Greco-Roman epoch. A well-known example is the ancient capital Memphis, called Jnbw-ḥḏ in ancient Egyptian. We thus had to find a partially individual compromise.
The linear nature of Upper Egypt made it easy to specify several names for well known places without cluttering the map. In the Mycenean world, the place names from Linear B tablets are already
very close to their Classical forms. If permitted by the available space both forms are given, otherwise the latter is preferred. In crowded Canaan, we used either the Akkadian (1) term form the
Amarna archives, or simply the most common name, especially since in this area there is very high name continuity. For example, Meggido is called Maggigu or Maggida in Akkadian and Meketi (Mktj)
in hieroglyphic texts. For the regions and some of the cities depicted on the ancillary map, the color indicates the source of the name.
The map includes several hundred names and terms taken from ancient Egyptian sources (2). Usually, transcriptions from hieroglyphic writings include only letters for consonants or half-vowels,
just as the original texts. Thus, it is impossible to read them out loud without knowledge of the language. On our map, we used the Egyptological
pronunciation (3) for increased user-friendliness. However, in most cases, this standard is not identical to the ancient pronunciation of a given word. The legend includes a list with
translations and the proper transcriptions for the most important labels.
Settlements: The depicted settlements are classified according to their political significance. Imperial
capitals are the seats of rulers and administrative centers of the great Empires, whereas provincial capitals belong to their larger subdivisions. This category includes the seat of the viceroy
of Kush [15], Aleppo and Carchemish (as centers of Hittite viceregal kingdoms) and Apasa, capital of the Arzawa lands (4). First order centers are the capitals of further subdivisions, such as
the city districts of Egypt, small city states, or similar polities, second order centers are local administrative centers and similar places.
Beyond a first approximation, their distribution does not say much about regional population density or economic strength. The town of Tanaakh in Canaan, for example, has only scarcely produced
archaeological remains from this period [5], meaning that it seems to have been a rather unimportant place, while still continuing to function as an independent city state with its own complex
Routes: In the Bronze Age, true roads already existed at a few places. On the map they are shown as full
lines. The oldest example is the paved Old Kingdom quarry road between Widan el-Farrasand Qasr el-Sagha on the ancient shore of lake Qarun [11]. It was no longer used during the New Kingdom, but
its remains are still traceable over many kilometers through the desert, even today. We also see the beginning of a true road network featuring bridges and similar auxiliary infrastructure in the
Mycenaean world.
Of greatest importance for New Kingdom Egypt was the road called the “Ways of Horus" (5), a strategic route between Egypt and Canaan, well equipped with forts and watering points to allow both
single couriers as well as the entire army of the Pharaoh a swift and secure passage across the dry Sinai desert.
Borders: Only in exceptional cases can the borders of city kingdoms and similarly sized polities be
reconstructed with some certainty. This usually only happens when a palace archive is found, as in Pylos or Ugarit. In some other cases, diplomatic letters from similar but distant archives allow
some reasonable guesses. As a consequence, city kingdom borders are not continuously included over the entirety of the map.
(1) The lingua franca of the Bronze Age Middle East
(2) Usually, the used variant of the names was taken from [9].
(3) As described in [1]
(4) At this time a compound of Mira, Arzawa Minor, Wilusa, Seha River Land, and Haballa [4]
(5) In Egyptian texts both, he singular wꜢt ḥr, and more often, the plural wꜢwt ḥr are used. Since the plural is almost exclusively used in English literature it is also listed on the map [12].
Africa, Egypt
Nomes of Egypt[8, 10, 13]: The old nomes originating in the Old Kingdom had ceded their function as administrative units to the newer, smaller,
so-called city districts, which were focused around larger settlements instead of cult centers. These districts would later develop into the Nomoi of Greco-Roman Egypt. They were lead by an
official called haty-a, which is usually translated as mayor. There could be also mayors in strategic settlements without exercising control of the surrounding countryside. On the map, these are
shown as second order centers.
However, the old nomes still kept their importance in a religious context and also for the practical purpose of topographically subdividing the country.
Faiyum[6, 7]: The Faiyum is large basin without any drainage to the sea, west of the Nile valley. It is supplied with water by a sidearm of the Nile, the Bahr
Yussef, which also allows some back-flow after Nile floods. Consequently, a large, seasonally fluctuating lake and extensive swamps had formed in the basin, which made the early Faiyum a good
hunting ground (but an only sparsely inhabited one).
In the Middle Kingdom period, during the reign of Senuseret (Sesostris) II., the Egyptian state for the first time invested in large scale reclamation and infrastructure projects. Their exact
scope and aims can currently not be determined with any certainty. Senuseret II. build his pyramid at el-Lahun near the entrance to the Faiyum, just as Amenemhet III. did in Hawara little time
later. The distribution of Middle Kingdom archaeological sites, which kept their importance during the New Kingdom, allows us to conclude that the lake level at this time was very high, about 18
meters above sea level.
Only in Ptolemaic times did a strict regulation of water flow into the Faiyum basin make it possible to largely drain and transform it into a highly productive agricultural zone. During the Roman
era, the remaining lake Qarun achieved its modern level of about 45 meters below sea level.
Oases: As the Sahara was becoming an even drier place in the second half of the 2nd millennium BCE, the oases of the region had already lost most of their former importance
(compared to the Middle and Old Kingdom periods, when they were still step stones for trade with southern countries such as Yam). Consequently, the routes leading to and from them were classified
appropriately. Only after the introduction of the camel and new irrigation methods during Persian times would they flourish once again and reach their peak prosperity in the Greco-Roman era.
Red Sea: Traces of New Kingdom activity have been found in the pharaonic port of Mersa Gawasis/Saww [3], but its main phase of use clearly fell within the Middle Kingdom period.
Since expeditions to Punt were sent out until the reign of Ramesses III., the main port used used during that time is probably still awaiting to be found.
Shasu and Apiru [5]: Both are generic terms for people following a certain way of life, not well-defined ethnic groups. The name Shasu is best translated as Bedouins. It is
derived from the Egyptian word šꜢs (shas), meaning to wander around or move through. In the sources, Shasu are nomadic or semi-nomadic tribes living in the steppes and deserts at the fringe of
the Levant and beyond.
Apiru, or Akkadian Hapiru, are stateless people, practically part of the civilized world, but living outside the highly bureaucratic societies of the Bronze Age Middle East. The term can be
translated as robbers or troublemakers. Apiru recruited themselves from all kinds of adventurers, refugees and other outcasts and usually appeared in small groups as migrant workers or
mercenaries. They could some times occur in great numbers and become a security risk not to be underestimated. United, they could threaten entire city kingdoms.
Libyans[2]: During the New Kingdom, the terms Tjemehu and Tjehenu for northern and southern Libyan groups were already used
very broadly. They could designate the country, as well as the people within it.
The Libu and Meshwesh were new groups increasingly appearing in our sources since the 13th century BCE. They most likely originated in fertile Cyrenaica and migrated along the coast searching for
new land in the sparsely developed western fringes of the delta. Towards the end of the century, they also begun to infiltrate the Egyptian sphere via the western oases.
Canaan[14]: During the 18th dynasty, the Egyptian territories in the Levant were organized as a loose compound of client
states. This later changed in the Ramesside period, when an increasing number of cities were placed under direct control of Egyptian governors. The first phase of this development under Ramesses
II. is depicted on our map. Until the end of our time frame Ashkalon, Gezer and Damascus(?) were added to the list during the reign Merneptah, Yuzra (Tell Jememeh) (at the latest under Seti II.)
and finally Lachish, Gath (Gimtu, Tell es-Safi) and Tell es-Sa'idiyeh were added when Ramesses III. ruled Egypt.
Anatolia and Caucasus
Armenia [16]: An exception on the map is the term Etiuni in the area of later Armenia. It first appears only in Urartian sources from the first quarter of the first
millennium BCE to designate a polity or people in this region hostile to them. Archaeology however shows that there is a strong continuity from the Late Bronze Age up to the end of the Urartian
period in the 7th century BCE. Thus there is a good case that the contemporary Lchashen-Metsamor culture can be identified with Etiuni and with a good probability the term can be
projected back into the map's period.
[1] H. Altenmüller, Einführung in die Hieroglyphenschrift, H. Buske (20109.
[2] K. A. Bard (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, Routledge Chapman & Hall (1999)
[3] K. A. Bard, R. Fattovich, The Middle Kingdom Red Sea Harbor at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis, JARCE 47 (2011), 105-129.
[4] T. Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites, Oxford University Press (2006)
[5] T. Bryce, The Routledge Handbook of the Peoples and Places of Ancient Western Asia: The Near East fromthe Early Bronze Age to the Fall of the Persian Empire,
Routledge Chapman & Hall (2009).
[6] P. Davoli, The Archaeology of the Fayum, in C. Riggs (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt, Oxford University Press (2012)
[7] G. Garbrecht, H. Jaritz, Neue Ergebnisse zu altägyptischen Wasserbauten im Fayum, in: Antike Welt: Band. 23,4 (1992), 238–254.
[8] F. Gomaà, R. Müller-Wollermann, W. Schenkel, Mittelägypten zwischen Samalut und dem Gabal Abu Sir, L. Reichert (1991)
[9] R. Hannig: Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch-Deutsch: (2800 - 950 v. Chr.), von Zabern (2006)
Großes Handwörterbuch Deutsch - Ägyptisch, von Zabern (2014)
[10] W. Helck, Die altägyptischen Gaue, L. Reichert (1974).
[11] J.A. Harrell, P. Storemyr, Ancient Egyptian quarries-an illustrated overview, in N. Abu-Jaber, E. G. Bloxam, P. Degryse, T. Heldal, QuarryScapes: ancient stone quarry landscapes
in the Eastern Mediterranean, Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication 12 (2009), 7–50.
[12] J. K. Hoffmeier, S. O. Moshier, “A highway out of Egypt”: The main road from Egypt to Canaan, in Desert Road Archaeology in F. Förster, H. Riemer (eds.), Ancient Egypt and Beyond,
Heinrich-Barth-Inst. (2014)
[13] A. B. Lloyd, A Companion to Ancient Egypt, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, John Wiley & Sons (2014).
[14] I. Singer, Merneptah's Campaign to Canaan and the Egyptian Occupation of the Southern CoastalPlain of Palestine in the Ramesside Period, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research, No. 269 (1988), 1-10.
[15] L. Török, The Kingdom of Kush - Handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization, Handbuch der Orientalistik Abt.2 Bd. 31 (1999).
[16] A. T. Smith, The Prehistory of an Urartian Landscape, in S. Kroll, P. Zimansky, U. Hellwag, C. Gruber, M. Roaf (eds.), BIAINILI-URARTU, The Proceedings of the Symposium held in
Munich 12-14 October 2007, Acta Iranica 51, Leuven Peeters (2012), 39-52.
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around the map.
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