The rolled up Imperium Romanum map was Sardis Verlags most popular product and virtually sold out since the first weeks of 2017. Now a reprinted and heavily improved second edition has entered production. Over the last three years I made a number of changes affecting both the general and appearance and content. Thus compared to the first edition from 2014 there are quite a few improvements that I will introduce below.
The first (left) and second edition (right) of the Imperium Romanum 211 AD map side by side
- Most importantly the print's quality was again increased. Just as our recent map of Ancient Egypt the second edition is printed on a stronger 250g/m² paper. Both surfaces are laminated to better protect them against dampness, UV radiation and mechanical damage.
It was always my intention to continuously improve the map. Thus most of the improvements made since 2014 could already be included in the last prints produced by Sardis Verlag, such as the Imperium Romanum 211 AD folded posters and the final lot of textile prints currently on sale.
- The background colors were changed to get a more natural greenish look instead of the old brownish one. The coastlines are now accentuated and the labels for rivers and sea routes blend more organically into the map.
- The map's reference grid is now based on the WGS 84 coordinate system, instead of the projected system.
The borders of provinces and states are now more recognizable and more pleasant to view.
The positions of almost all labels (nearly 2000) have been manually optimized.
Free cities and the garrisons of Alae Milliariae, mounted elite units of the Roman army, are now distinct categories.
More than 200 additional Roman cities and sanctuaries, as well as mines and other features were added to the map.
Especially beyond the Roman borders the level of detail was significantly increased.
The new prints are already available for purchase from our Webstore and can be ordered through and other European Amazon marketplaces.

Rome and central Italy as featured in the first edition from 2014 (left) and the new improved reprint (right)

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